Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Aztec Sun Stone

My "Aztec Sun Stone" is a collection of my values and beliefs. Personally I do not think I would be able to explain my worldview in one symbol so I have drawn many. First of all the rose in the star and the snake twisting around it show that I value nature. The symbols in the smaller blue points mean I like mythology (I think that counts as a value), and the circle of music shows I value music. The next ring showing a fish evolving into a bird shows that I accept natural processes, not supernatural processes.

To sum it up, my worldview, shown through these symbols is that: Nature is important, and we should try to conserve rather than destroy it for our own wants. I also think that science benefits the world and religion should not obstruct it. Ideas such as evolution explain the development of different animals including man very well. I also think that ancient cultures are very interesting.

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